Lady Gaga’s single “Born This Way” introduces the viewers to the birth of a “new race” and to a new world, using intricate imagery and a precise narrative. It is a psychedelic trip filled with occult and archetypal symbols, telling the story of a cosmic birth and new ideals. However, behind its outward message of acceptance, a more sinister message lies embedded in the symbolism of the video. We will look at the underlying meaning of “Born This Way” and analyze the meaning of the occult symbolism in the video.
Lady Gaga is back, y’all.  And she’s got horns on her forehead. And she’s in space. And she’s making 90′s dance music. And my head just exploded. But seriously, Born this Way seems to provoke in people two opposite reactions, depending on their knowledge of occult symbolism. It is either “What the heck just happened here?” or “This is really blatant”.  The reason is simple. The video contains new strange elements that might confuse viewers but it also contains symbolism that is extremely ancient. Although the video is set in a futuristic, intergalactic world, it deals with the most primal concept of humanity: motherhood. It plays on human’s archetypal fascination and/or repulsion towards the act of giving birth.

Although the lyrics of Born This Way are about unconditional acceptance, with a special focus on homosexuality, the video’s scope goes way beyond the subject of sexual orientation. It narrates the birth of a new race within humanity. Laurieann Gibson, the creative director of the video describes this concept:
“At first, when I thought about birthing a new race and adding the prosthetics, I thought that maybe they should have a certain way they should walk or maybe they move a certain way, but then I realized it is actually a race within our race; it’s a mindset.”
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Gaga is not giving birth to a human but to a “new race” within humanity. The symbolism of the video makes it clear that this birth is not natural, but artificially provoked. A twisted immaculate conception. As is the case for most Lady Gaga videos, the theme of mind control is important in the video. It is the process through which the metamorphosis will take place.  In Monarch programming terms, we are witnessing the birth of a new persona within the “core personality” of humanity. The birth is happening within the minds of people and is visually represented by creepy facial horns.Furthermore, the esoteric imagery in the video describes a world change that is occurring as an alchemical process: The creation of magic through the unification of opposing forces portrayed through the use of archetypal symbols and messages. Yup, we’re still talking about a Lady Gaga video.

My City

part of my scratchnotes for a spoken word session

a canvas of my city, where the ugly turns pretty
In my city where there are too many cars,where the stars seem so far,
in my city, of big men and small deeds, classy ladies for cheap thrills,
reasonably absurd in a parody of a faithfull flirth.
My city, where some are more euqal then others,
where children become fathers, and where noone really bothers

they say the blue skies are blue,our blue skies are grey,
and intoxication takes place where saints were once laid.
in my city,there is nothing for sure.
when nothing is sacred,when nothing is pure.

(c) Outspoken

Dear Mr.President

Dear Mr.President I will addres you quite openly
because I see you speak of morality and fiscal clarity
while a bunch of your sons sanity swims down the drain of price calamity
that justifies recesional reality from economic rationality
but didn't Adam Smith state that economic theory lacks applicability
in real situations concerning worldly probabilities
cuz, quite realisticly, every 5th childs' dreams of better life eligibility
evaporate with the epiphany of your next move towards sustainability
big brother is now a real life government experiment on anti-hostility
and our every move and word you record for reasons of security
so how come you can't hear the cries of detrimental social disparity
or is CCTV blind for midnight sexuality and penal forms of insanity
caused by a fusion of pop-culture (i)morality and alcohol afinity!

Im tired of not saying a thing, Im tired of letting this slide
It is not about hip-hop anymore,it just happened to be what opened the door
for my mind and my soul, at which point I chose to take control
look around the world and let go of this race that we hold
this sadness, this madness, this perverted notion of religion and god
global warming won't revert the cold in my soul
nor will all the fannies that shine from the magic box on us all
it will not make me slip from the rhyme I behold
it will not make me forget what goes on in central hall
so this open letter is a dire warning to you all
from another lost child that had enough and won't take anymore!


(c) Outspoken

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