Have A Doubt

.Come here my friend,have a doubt.You know what?As a matter of fact,have two.

Freedom!Are you a free person?Most of you will probably say yes.The truth is that 99% of the people reading this are not.Do you know that as of June 2010 the USA,UK alongside 20 other European countries,China,Japan and some other asian nations,Australia,New Zealand and others will have(most of them already do) laws permitting access to every citizens phones,e-mail and skype,msn etc. conversations and corespondency,physical mail records,debit/credit card records,everything that can be tracked or tapped into really.And this will be possible if the respective authority reckognizes one as a threat to national security without any handbook to draw criteria from - all based on personal estimation.And more over there is no burecracy-all the respective authority has to do is sign a written statement in their report - POSTFACTUM!Even if you switch your cellphone off the inbuild GPS will still be active and you cane be localised via satelites within a 20 meter radius for some mere 2-3 minutes.

Oh so you don't have a cell phone,you don't use plastic cards and you cifer all your e-mails?You do have an Id don't you?This means that any govermentall oficiall with the neccesary clearance (80% of them) can access your details via any PC connected to the internet in 3-5 minutes.This means,name,DoB,height,appearance,weight,address and by means of your medical record nad partly your travel history.And no burocracy is needed for this action.

You don't have an ID?Damn,your some jackrabbit.You were born werent you,and probably in a hospital, no ;) You have attended school at some point,no?You have participated in quizes,sporting events,talent shows,lotaries,no?

And if you are reading this at the moment tracking you is a walk in the park.You pc has an ID(IP) and cookies and registries record your motion through the web.Anyone with the neccesary skills and software can find your location in a 20 meter radius within 10 minutes.
But you're still free to do what ever you want.And I encourage you to do so ;)

God!Your God.Most of you probably believe in god,though most probably haven't read the old testament.If you had,did this passage alert you in any way?
"And God said:Let us make man in our image,in our resembelance..." (Genesis 1:26).OUR image???Wait,wait,wasn't there one single creator god in christianity?What is this then?

What about judean "history" and God Jahve? In their oldest books God Jahve is addressed with the multiple elohim as opposed to the single el. Elohim was also used in archaic hebrew as a word for gods or godlike entities.So how come in to main religions "mistakes" like this occur?You think about it.Though if you really want to find out something more about your "God" find a translation of the Sumerian epic of creation,as it is prooven that the foundations of Genesis and Judaism have a lot of sumerian copy-pasting.

Open up your eyes,realise those lies!


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