Sometimes,people are like trees in the wind.
Winds rarely blow in the same direction and trees sway from ne side to the other as they try to minimise the force inflicted upon them.And just as trees when times are turbulent,and dilemas are in countenance we lean to one side and then to the other trying to catch the winds' direction.Simple in our complexity,we simply mimic simple reaction iniated by natures "more simple" offsprings.Humans,in their essence are not hard to understand.Not at all.Our delicate nature is made clear if we narrow the casus down to basic behaviour patterns and reactions wich have very simple trigers and clear analogies lay all around us to reminds us that we all come one.
(c) Outspoken Poet
Labels: Ratiocinations
Newly released documents show that UFO sightings in the UK leapt five-fold in the same year that the alien invader blockbuster Independence Day was released. So is there a link between UFOs and science-fiction?
In 1996, the Earth was under attack from an alien mothership. Do you remember?Fortunately, Will Smith was on hand to save the planet. Independence Day was the blockbuster film of the year, but the fiction it portrayed may have had an impact on the real world - a huge jump in the number of reported sightings of UFOs.
Documents from the Ministry of Defence released by the National Archives show the department recorded 117 sightings in 1995 and 609 in 1996.This was also the year when television series The X-Files, about attempts to find extra-terrestrial life, was at the height of its popularity in the UK.
David Clarke, an expert on UFO sightings based at Sheffield Hallam University, believes there is a link between sightings and science-fiction.
"The more that alien life is covered in films or television documentaries, the more people look up at the sky and don't look down at their feet.Maybe what they are seeing is ordinary, like an aircraft, but because they are looking for a UFO, they think it is one."
It's difficult to prove, he says, but there is a correlation between films and what people are reporting as strange objects in the sky.
The year with the most sighting was 1978, when Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind was released in the UK, although the year that ET was packing people into cinemas, 1982, was a year when sightings dipped.
"The lows are also interesting. After 9/11, there were a few years when everyone was distracted by what was going on elsewhere in the world, and then the last couple of years there seems to have been more sightings."
The MoD figures should be treated with some caution, he says, because in later years they only refer to sightings passed to it by other authorities like the police, RAF or coastguards. So they are vulnerable to being distorted if one person or one group of people makes multiple reports.Before 1973, the cases were investigated and in the preceding 14 years, 223 of the 2,310 sightings remained unexplained, which is one in 10.The vast majority were discovered to be aircraft (960), satellites and debris (378), celestial objects like planets and stars (221) or freak weather (176).
Of the cases that remained unexplained, says Mr Clarke, most were difficult to investigate with accuracy because they happened long before the investigation.
"But within all this noise, there is a genuine unexplained phenomenon. I don't think it's aliens but there is something peculiar."
Otspoken Poets' Comment:
Well as much as this is an interesting article and I really think there is truth behind it it should be noted that movies like this stimulate people to look up more oftenly,or have the courage to speak up.In some cases UFO/E.T. Blockbusters just spark-up peoples imagination.
This is not an Outspoken Poet publication.
Source: BBC News
Labels: News
Foreword:The first two copies of the US decleration of independence were written on hemp paper.They are still in perfectly white condition in the national museum of history.
How many of you smoke pot?How many of you suffer of its side-effects?I bet the answer is none.Thats because there aren't any side-effects from marijuana that cause suffering.Fact - in over 5 thousand years of Cannabis usage there hasen't been one case of death due to Cannabis usage.Fact - number one killer in the world is tobbaco addiction,followed by alchohol.Alchohol and tobbaco are leagel - hemp is not.Fact - hemp is the strongest fabric existing in nature,hemp makes for better paper than wood,biofuel can be derived from hemp.Fact - hemp grows almost everywhere.Idiotic fact - growing "industrial" hemp is legal,growing hemp at home is not.
Not only that but hemp has numerous benefits concerning human health and can be used without any processing to benefit from them.Numerous studies show that.
Pot is not addictive,at least not in a bad way.You like chocolate don't you - because it tastes good and it does you no harm.Thats the same with weed - it has only positives to it.Pot has no long-term affects on the brain.I have been smoking weed for 6 years and I still test as a genius on all kinds of IQ tests.I write all my course work whilst smoking weed and I get nothing lower than B's or high C's.
"Marijuana Overdose
There is no existing evidence of anyone dying of a marijuana overdose. Tests performed on mice have shown that the ratio of cannabinoids (the chemicals in marijuana that make you high) necessary for overdose to the amount necessary for intoxication is 40,000:1. For comparison's sake, that ratio for alcohol is generally between 4:1 and 10:1.
Brain Damage
Marijuana is psychoactive because it stimulates certain brain receptors, but it does not produce toxins that kill them (like alcohol), and it does not wear them out as other drugs may. There is no evidence that marijuana use causes brain damage. Studies performed on actual human populations will confirm these results, even for chronic marijuana users (up to 18 joints per day) after many years of use.In fact, following the publication of two 1977 JAMA studies, the American Medical Association (AMA) officially announced its support for the decriminalization of marijuana.(Note:not legalisation,only decriminalisation)
In reality, marijuana has the effect of slightly increasing alpha-wave activity in your brain. Alpha waves are generally associated with meditative and relaxed states, which are, in turn, often associated with human creativity.
Marijuana does impair short-term memory, but only during intoxication. Although the authoritative studies on marijuana use seem to agree that there is no residual impairment following intoxication, persistent impairment of short-term memory has been noted in chronic marijuana smokers, up to 6 and 12 weeks following abstinence."
I consider myself a poet.I ccreate music,I write,I sceth,I do grafitty and probably 40 percent of my ideas came while I was smoking weed or was under the affects of smoking weed.For the sake of keeping my post brief enough I shall stop now.Any questions asked will be answered or you can read for your self here . Or watch a movie called "The Union: The Business Behind Getting High".The only reason weed is not legal and won't be so in the near future is because of multy-bilion business interests,but that is a subject for a whole new post.
Open up your eyes,realise those lies!
(c) Outspoken Poet
Labels: The Truth
Hi there,I see you're still hanging around.Good,good as I will grant you with some more cerebrall parabolla today.
Did you know that a hundred years ago Heroin was being sold as a medicine,advertised to aleviate caugh?Though not discovered by Bayer but still trademarked by them and developed by Heinrich Dresser,this "medicine" was said to be "non-addictive".
In 1989 Bayern registered and marketed dyacetilmorphyne under the brand name Heroin and was a short succes due to its staggering power to reduce pain.Short after however it was realised just how addictive and detrimental to human health Heroin was and it was pulled out of the marked.Still the facts remain that the producers were aware of the substance and its molecullar compounds and the effects they might have,plus it passed human testing before release!
Open up your eyes,realise those lies!
(c) Outspoken Poet
Labels: Have A Doubt
Honestly I don't understand how this hasn't blown up long ago.Personaly I am aware of this little fact for the past 5 years(not that I ever believed that 9/11 was Al-Kaida's fault).There have been numerous theories and exposures of 9/11 as a governmental conspiracy but all have been made postfactum,or as I like to say in a "Umbrella after rain" style.Of course there was the one video made from a different angle showing,in slowmotion,how the towers bursts into flames about 0.2 of a second before the plane actually hits the building,but that somehow never made it to actual TV broadcasting.
People,and by people I mean physicians and architects didn't at all seem bothered by the way that the massive body of the tower just colapsed straight down even tough the plane had hit the upper part of it.It fell just like in a controlled colision.And bypassing the fact that america had ran out of enemies we get to the point of this little article.
And it is revelation!"The Lone Gunmen" TV series is a spin-off that arose from the one and only X-Files with cris carter once again in the producer/director role.The Lone Gunmen was first broadcast in March 2001 and, despite five star reviews, its ratings suddenly dropped(hm...).The show was cancelled after 12 episodes.The series revolved around three main characters;Melvin Frohike, John Fitzgerald Byres and Richard Langly, a group of "geeky" investigators who ran a conspiracy theory magazine. They had often helped FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder on The X-Files.
In the show's pilod episode aired on March 4, 2001 the plot depicts a plan made by a secret faction within the government ploting to hijak a full Boeing 727 and fly it into the worl trade centre via remote control.The stated motive was to increase the military defense budget by blaming the attack on foreign "tin-pot dictators" who are "begging to be smart-bombed."(ring,ring ;).In the episode, the plot is of course foiled by the protagonists who board the doomed plane and deactivate the malicious autopilot system just seconds before the plane would have reached the World Trade Center.The resembelance is astonishingly remarcable to the "real deal" and sounds really credible.I mean,c'mon do you really believe that a cave-based 3rd world terrorist group that doesnt even know how to operate a mobile phone properly can pull this of?Have you any idea of the safety measures on US airports(that even before 9/11).Think about it,the scale of arms increased ten-fold in the next two years.I won't even mention the tons of "free" oil the USA got out of the "war on terrorism".
If you don't belive me,please watch the first episode of The Lone Gunmen and don't forget that it was aired 6 months before the tragedy.You never know,maybe Osama had satelite TV and was wathing Fox on that faithfull evening in early March.Lightbolb!!!
Open up your eyes,realise those lies!
Labels: The Truth
As much as I change and evolve as a person I can never hold my fascination and bewilderment at the nature of human beings.We obey no logic and when we try to do so we deepen the paradox of our substance even more. Is it in our nature?Is it genetically imposed into us? By nature and by almost no exception we are social (or even herd) creatures – we manifest the need to belong to groups. But yet all of us to no exception manifest individualism on a daily basis – some hide it while others embrace it. So how can we need to belong, some even to be guided, and yet want to be individual, some even egoistic. And that is but a mere drop in the ocean of paradox that is human nature. For example – we witness and actively take part in a time characterized by technological and social development faster than ever before. And yet the more conveniences our progress offers us the less free time we have. We are facilitated by cell phones, the internet, GPS, credit cards and many more but at the same time most of us have no time to cook, no time to take a walk in the park, even no time for ourselves. Is it then no wonder why antidepressant and sleeping pill sales are rising on a constant basis? We spend more than ever, but do we have more? I say no. The more we spend the less we are orientated to things we really need. True we buy more, but we enjoy less. Accustomed to the idea of constant innovation we find it harder than ever to get excited, to feel pure joy and so we loose ourselves in spending for things that we find dull just as quickly as they become outdated. It is innate for us to eat and drink to survive but we do not do that. Instead we spoil in choice and consume half of all we consume with no real need. We have bigger houses, but smaller families. Marriages are growing in numbers but not as fast as divorces. Our basic instinct is survival but yet we think other human beings do not obey it. Domestic violence is now common, adolescent one as well. And we hold firm to our paradoxes-knowingly or not. We drink and eat to much, we drive to fast, we hate to love and we love to hate, we sit in front of our Pc’s to much (guilty), we think of others too little, we judge where we are not competent. Kids mature to fast and adults age slower. Humans talk more than ever – being one on one, on cell phones, internet chats or media but yet we say so little, constantly circumventing what really needs to be spoken about and just rewinding the same tapes over and over. We evaluate others and other things on a daily basis but at the same times our values have never been so scarce. We advance on a daily basis, accumulating more knowledge but do we have fewer problems? We learn more but does that make us better off? Medicine is also at an all time high but is our wellness improving? More men have been on the moon then at the deepest point of our oceans. Another thing I could never understand is the automatic assumption that bigger is better. Why? On what basis? Isn’t better more closely related to improved? Why should a bigger coffee be better than a regular one? And if the argument is true why do we not tend towards making our hearts bigger? Our soul shrinks at a daily rate. Or is the soul already forgotten? We try to understand others, the whole world even but we don’t even understand ourselves. When was the last time you sat down to think about the motives behind your actions – paramount or mundane? And in the same trace of thoughts people troughout history have questioned reality on numerous occasions – how can you question something you don’t truly understand. Better yet – why do you put a universal meaning and question a concept created by humans? Our air and waters are twice as clean as they where 100 years ago but our souls are more polluted than ever. It is now the age of sky towers – we plan and we plan – ahead and ahead but we come forward with less and less of our dreams and desires. If I might be more metaphorical I will say that this is the time of big men and smaller deeds, prouder women and more harlots, faster food and worse indigestion, hate to love and love to hate. A time when blind are leading the blind, a kingdom of blind where even the one-eyed can be king. True not everyone can be a sheppard but should we all be sheep lead by lambs? Just as our pockets get deeper we get shallower. We focus on the physical so much that we forget the spiritual – glimmering displays do not promise a rich and full storage. These are just a few of the paradoxes of human kind that come to my mind at this hour. Maybe it is not that strange. Maybe just as everything in nature we try to balance the golden middle. Maybe just as there is an opposite to everything – day and night, good and evil, plus and minus - we need to opposite our own logic. But do we really balance it or is the negative side taking advantage. Or do I think to much and sleep to little?
(c) Outspoken Poet
Labels: Ratiocinations
Album Review: Dead Prez & DJ Green Lantern - Pulse Of The People
0 comments Posted by in.SIGHT at 10:11They(DP) do occasionally step away from the politics, or at least couch them in less abrasive terms. There’s a switch to something more laid back and almost radio-friendly with “NYDP,” a respectful, but honest look at life in New York. “Summer Time” flips a Teddy Pendergrass sample into a love song, and the closer, “My Dirty Valentine” reminds you that even revolutionaries like to get laid.But again, let’s be honest—dead prez is tough to listen to, not at all because they’re bad, just because they’re just really, really heavy. The few aforementioned tracks break things up here and there, but you need to be in a particular headspace to really vibe with it. Pulse of the People is good, but good in the way that Proust novels and environmental documentaries are; they’re easy to appreciate intellectually but difficult to digest casually. It isn’t fit for the club, but unless you spend your whole life there, everything doesn’t need to be. It would be crazy to say that this would, could or should replace more casual fare on your iPod but when you’re in the mood to be challenged, dead prez can still do it better than most.
Be honest—chances are, you tell people you like dead prez but you don’t know too much about them beyond their debut single “Hip-Hop.” It’s okay; you’re forgiven. The dp'z are usually serious in a way that makes Talib Kweli seem like Jim Jones, so admittedly, they don’t exactly fit into every mood. Nevertheless, the duo makes up in credibility what it loses in accessibility so Pulse of the People deserves a look. The first words of the first song (“Runnin’ Wild”) are definitively “fuck the police,” followed by tales of young men who turn to militancy and crime because the world hasn’t given them any other choice. Bun B and Styles P stop by on “Don’t Hate My Grind”.
Labels: Album Reviewes
"The Return To Innocence Lost"
Inspired by a true story.
Muffled sound of fist on flesh
Blows to chest
No breath
Air gasps
You ain't nothing but white trash, bitch!
With each hit, each kick, each...broken rib
Crack, Crack!
Bones are crying
Mommy's crying and bleeding
And pleading
And then...
Daddy wants to fuck
Dick hard, swelled with power rush
And as if all that wasn't enough
Mommy's seven months heavy with birth
As...Daddy grunts and cursed drunk nothings in her bloodied ear
And never forget
Mommy almost bled to death when she have him...finally
She'd already lost...three
Uterus-bruised, shredded, and weak
From being daily beat
And Friday nights were the worse and...
Daddy never came with flowers
Instead he spent hours at some corner spot
With some bar pop named Cookie
Putting his thing down
Soiling Mommy's sheets with... shit,
Cookie's cheap lipstick,
Hair grease, sperm, and jezebel juice
To hell with the good news that...
He was a father for the first time
His thirst for wine and women
Clouded his vision...
No warm welcome for mother and son
The rank smell of ass-crack, funk, and cum
But Mommy's prayerful strength-her best defense
She...burned the dirty linens
Made a fresh bed
Laid sleeping First Son down
And never made a sound
As she purged her scourge
With birth-blood and quiet tears
Watching as her fears and love and sacrifice
Lie there in his soft skin and new life
Breathing, dreaming, fresh from God's eye
Mommy's little survivor
Mommy called crazy and scorned
'Cuz she two more born
One boy soon after
The girl much later and...
Although they were both sung the same lullabies of hate
Her...First Son, the first one
Whose...womb-world was profaned
Came of age playing street games
With Stewie, Rezzie, and Little Brother
'Till his heart start to wither
In pain and shame
Blamed Mom for the wrong she let Daddy do to her
And him...
Let...sins of the Father cause his Innocence to wander
Found out amongst thieves
Chose to squander his dreams
Stopped believing in himself
Become prodigal with his life
Make impossible shit right with...
Gang-ties, crime, lies
Erase wise, woeful words of Mother
Replaced them with absurdities of others
Who had also lost their way
Played a different kind of street game now
First Son plunged deep
Speak street-family vows
Espouse no causes but his own
See, he couldn't protect Mommy's neck from Daddy's grasp
Or...protect Mommy's ass from Daddy's wrath
Couldn't shield her ears from...
Daddy's foul-mouthed, liquor-breath jeers
His only defense-served be confidence
Brown bottles housed his swift descent
Phones called cops on block frequent for his shenanigans
Now...Daddy and him twins in addiction
Driven to false-hearted heavens and friends
By liquefied demons
Had become what he despised from Conception 'til End
Destined for a demise
Survived nine lives of staying high
Conning, jewelry-pawning, arrests, theft
Womanizing...only for money, never for sex
Bullet in chest, baseball bat to the head
Left for dead
So, eyes wide and glassy
Speech...slowed and slurred
Lips twitched with caked-up codeine candy
And mouth corners one December 24th
Mr. Hide and False Friend
Took final ride to suburban supplier
Shots were fired by the gray man
With shaky hand
But not shaky enough to miss...
Hit...Lost Boy in back
So-called Friend runs for door
Leaves First Son blood-born
Lying alone in blood on cold floor
Death was the cause of...
Returning to Innocence Lost...
Baby 'Sis awake for dawn on Christmas morn
To Mommy's sobs and shakes
Daddy's silhouettes of regret
All past, omitted, and absolved by lost
As they clung to each other
(The problem of boys is that they no not how to be a man, and in this failed transition arose a generation of men that dont know how to be fathers.)
And the beauty of the mountains in between which the village is set.
© 2003-2009 Photo Cult
Clouds come together as the skies turn dark,
in the midst I stand alone,under my own ark.
I’m exhausted, barely breathing,
holding on to what I believe in.
And no matter what, you'll never take that from me.
My will goes as far as the eye can see.
When the rain pours,and when thunder strikes
When the world turns deff to your desperate cries.
I will be there,head up,no strains.
A hearth full of anger and a chest full of pain.
That’s my fuel by my own concoction,
justifying every moove,attaching meaning to all my actions.
Cuz I'm a monster, mystery resolved.
A horror to the ministers of silence.
I'm a problem that would never,ever be solved.
Be shallow,walk asleep,by any means let it be.
Only thing I please is my soul to be free,
let it beat what can't stop beating in me.
Labels: Poetry
.Come here my friend,have a doubt.You know what?As a matter of fact,have two.
Freedom!Are you a free person?Most of you will probably say yes.The truth is that 99% of the people reading this are not.Do you know that as of June 2010 the USA,UK alongside 20 other European countries,China,Japan and some other asian nations,Australia,New Zealand and others will have(most of them already do) laws permitting access to every citizens phones,e-mail and skype,msn etc. conversations and corespondency,physical mail records,debit/credit card records,everything that can be tracked or tapped into really.And this will be possible if the respective authority reckognizes one as a threat to national security without any handbook to draw criteria from - all based on personal estimation.And more over there is no burecracy-all the respective authority has to do is sign a written statement in their report - POSTFACTUM!Even if you switch your cellphone off the inbuild GPS will still be active and you cane be localised via satelites within a 20 meter radius for some mere 2-3 minutes.
Oh so you don't have a cell phone,you don't use plastic cards and you cifer all your e-mails?You do have an Id don't you?This means that any govermentall oficiall with the neccesary clearance (80% of them) can access your details via any PC connected to the internet in 3-5 minutes.This means,name,DoB,height,appearance,weight,address and by means of your medical record nad partly your travel history.And no burocracy is needed for this action.
You don't have an ID?Damn,your some jackrabbit.You were born werent you,and probably in a hospital, no ;) You have attended school at some point,no?You have participated in quizes,sporting events,talent shows,lotaries,no?
And if you are reading this at the moment tracking you is a walk in the park.You pc has an ID(IP) and cookies and registries record your motion through the web.Anyone with the neccesary skills and software can find your location in a 20 meter radius within 10 minutes.
But you're still free to do what ever you want.And I encourage you to do so ;)
God!Your God.Most of you probably believe in god,though most probably haven't read the old testament.If you had,did this passage alert you in any way?
"And God said:Let us make man in our image,in our resembelance..." (Genesis 1:26).OUR image???Wait,wait,wasn't there one single creator god in christianity?What is this then?
What about judean "history" and God Jahve? In their oldest books God Jahve is addressed with the multiple elohim as opposed to the single el. Elohim was also used in archaic hebrew as a word for gods or godlike entities.So how come in to main religions "mistakes" like this occur?You think about it.Though if you really want to find out something more about your "God" find a translation of the Sumerian epic of creation,as it is prooven that the foundations of Genesis and Judaism have a lot of sumerian copy-pasting.
Open up your eyes,realise those lies!
Labels: Food for thought., Have A Doubt