Hip-Hop legend and GangStarr founder Guru has passed away on the morning of April 19 after a long battle with cancer.
According to his producer, Solar, Guru suffered from the malicious illness for over a year and after numerous special treatments under the supervision of medical specialists failed, the legendary MC succumbed to the disease. Guru always tried to keep this harrowing diagnosis in private but in early 2010 he had to admit himself to hospital due to serious effects caused by the disease.
Since the onset of illness, Guru tried to live a "normal" life as an influential and outstanding musician, loving father, family man, and best friend. Doctors encouraged Guru to think positive that the cancer can be arrested and that a full recovery is possible but several special treatments including hard hitting chemotherapies failed.
While in hospital with terminal cancer, Guru wrote a letter, which was provided by Solar, to his fans addressing his illness, his shining music career, his family and loved ones.
"I, Guru, am writing this letter to my fans, friends and loved ones around the world. I have had a long battle with cancer and have succumbed to the disease. I have suffered with this illness for over a year. I have exhausted all medical options. I have a non-profit organization called Each One Counts dedicated to carrying on my charitable work on behalf of abused and disadvantaged children from around the world and also to educate and research a cure for this terrible disease that took my life. I write this with tears in my eyes, not of sorrow but of joy for what a wonderful life I have enjoyed and how many great people I have had the pleasure of meeting," read the official Guru statement provided by Solar.
"My loyal best friend, partner and brother, Solar, has been at my side through it all and has been made my health proxy by myself on all matters relating to myself. He has been with me by my side on my many hospital stays, operations, doctors visits and stayed with me at my home and cared for me when I could not care for myself. Solar and his family is my family and I love them dearly and I expect my family, friends, and fans to respect that, regardless to anybody's feelings on the matter. It is my wish that counts. This being said I am survived by the love of my life, my sun KC, who I trust will be looked after by Solar and his family as their own. Any awards or tributes should be accepted, organized approved by Solar on behalf myself and my son until he is of age to except on his own."
The statement reads on, "I do not wish my ex-DJ to have anything to do with my name likeness, events tributes etc. connected in anyway to my situation including any use of my name or circumstance for any reason and I have instructed my lawyers to enforce this. I had nothing to do with him in life for over 7 years and want nothing to do with him in death. Solar has my life story and is well informed on my family situation, as well as the real reason for separating from my ex-DJ. As the sole founder of GangStarr, I am very proud of what GangStarr has meant to the music world and fans. I equally am proud of my Jazzmatazz series and as the father of Hip-Hop/Jazz. I am most proud of my leadership and pioneering efforts on Jazzmatazz 4 for reinvigorating the Hip-Hop/Jazz genre in a time when music quality has reached an all time low. Solar and I have toured in places that I have never been before with GangStarr or Jazzmatatazz and we gained a reputation for being the best on the planet at Hip-Hop/Jazz, as well as the biggest and most influential Hip-Hop/Jazz record with Jazzmatazz 4 of the decade to now. The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time. And we as a team were not afraid to push the envelope. To me this is what true artists do! As men of honor we stood tall in the face of small mindedness, greed, and ignorance. As we fought for music and integrity at the cost of not earning millions and for this I will always be happy and proud, and would like to thank the million fans who have seen us perform over the years from all over the world. The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time and is my most creative and experimental to date. I hope that our music will receive the attention it deserves as it is some of the best work I have done and represents some of the best years of my life."
Guru, born Keith Elam, rose to fame in the 80's as the founder of the legendary rap group GangStarr. The group released the classic single Words I Manifest followed by their critically acclaimed debut album No More Mr. Nice Guy (1989) and the classic album Step In The Arena (1991). Guru was the first artist to truly blend Hip-Hop with Live Jazz beginning in 1993, and seeing the vast influences his Jazzmatazz concept has had on the industry, it is clear that Guru's musical contributions have been way ahead of their time. Guru has worked with such great artists as Herbie Hancock, Isaac Hayes, Donald Byrd, Ramsey Lewis, Roy Ayers, Chaka Kahn, Branford Marsalis, David Sanborn, Bob James, Erykah Badu, The Roots, Common, Angie Stone, Jamiroquai, Macy Gray and Damien Marley, to name a few. Despite the fact that Guru isn't hailing from New York , he is noted as a pioneer of the New York sound and true lyrical Hip-Hop. Guru later on joined forces with hit producer Solar and formed his label 7 Grand Records with the goal to keep "real" Hip-Hop alive.
Guru's longtime partner, Solar, issues an official statement about the lost of the legendary MC which you can read below:
"The world has lost one of the best MCs and Hip-Hop icons of all time -- my loyal best friend, partner, and brother, Guru! Guru has been battling cancer for well over a year and has lost his battle! This is a matter that Guru wanted private until he could beat it but tragically this did not happen. The cancer took him. Now the world has lost a great man and a true genius. For the fans that reached out with love and support, I can't tell you how much that meant to Guru and myself. Guru prepared this letter [read above] while he was in the hospital for the fans. I hope now that Guru has moved on to a better place! Guru is a great Black American Hero and should always be remembered as such and he is much more that just a Hip-Hop icon -- he has changed the world for the better. I salute my fallen brother Guru! He will be missed tremendously!" Solar stated.
It is always sad when great men pass away, and this is such a case indeed. Highly underappreciated, maybe now Gang Star’s legacy will be observed and analysed closely for what it really is. R.I.P. Guru.
Scott Shane, writing in the Baltimore Sun (August 31, 2003):
Twenty years ago this fall, as the Orioles triumphed in the World Series, baby boomers flocked to The Big Chill and radios played Michael Jackson's Thriller, the superpowers drifted obliviously to the brink of nuclear war.
That is the disturbing conclusion of a number of historians who have studied the bellicose rhetoric and mutual incomprehension of the United States and the Soviet Union, which then had more than 20,000 nuclear warheads between them. With the possible exception of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, they say, the autumn of 1983 might have been the most dangerous moment in the history of the Cold War.
Ailing Soviet leader Yuri V. Andropov, urged on by Soviet hard-liners and acutely aware that his country was losing the military technology race, had become increasingly worried that the Americans might be planning a nuclear first strike. President Ronald Reagan's rhetoric about the "evil empire" and U.S. military exercises poured fuel on Soviet war paranoia.
A series of mishaps and misunderstandings made conceivable a catastrophe that would have dwarfed today's worst fears of terrorists wielding weapons of mass destruction. That it did not happen is in part thanks to a KGB turncoat who alerted the West to Soviet fears and a Russian duty officer who did not panic when an archaic satellite reported that U.S. missiles were on the way.
"In retrospect, it was a pretty terrifying time," says Benjamin B. Fischer, a 30-year CIA veteran who now works on the agency's historical staff. "We're lucky it ended the way it did."
Fischer, who has published a seminal paper on the period through the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence, says the danger resulted when wildly exaggerated fears of a U.S. surprise attack took hold in "the geriatric ward" of the aging Soviet leadership. But a contributing factor was the reluctance of Reagan and his advisers to believe that Russian fears were genuine, he says.
"We don't do Pearl Harbors. So we couldn't believe they really thought we were capable of a first strike," Fischer says.
John Prados, a Cold War historian and senior analyst at the National Security Archive in Washington, calls the fall of 1983 "a moment of high danger, in some respects more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides were more heavily armed. Both sides were more hostile."
Yet, by comparison with the Cuban crisis, what historians call the "Soviet war scare" of 1983 remains little known.
"The Cuban Missile Crisis evolved in a very public manner," Prados says. "In 1983, the whole thing happened in secret."
Behind the tensions of 1983 was a program devised in 1981 by then-KGB chief Andropov called Operation RYAN, not a code name but a stark Russian acronym for "nuclear missile attack." Secret orders were issued to KGB officers around the world to look for signs, however subtle, that the United States might be preparing a pre-emptive strike.
KGB officer Oleg A. Gordievsky, who as a British agent later played a key role in the drama, watched RYAN unfold from KGB headquarters in Moscow and then as an intelligence officer posted to London. He saw a gulf between the views of worldly Soviet intelligence officers in the field and the paranoia of Kremlin leaders.
"I never met anyone in the KGB who believed in the possibility of a first nuclear strike by the U.S.," Gordievsky says in an interview from his home in England. "Yet they all reported on the signs of such an attack because they were ordered to do it. They were afraid to say what they really thought."
By 1983, Soviet fears were growing, heightened by the imaginary evidence of a planned surprise attack reported by the Kremlin's cowed spies and by tough talk from Reagan.
In March, Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative, a futuristic missile-defense scheme many American scientists thought technically implausible. Soviet military leaders took the plan far more seriously, worrying that it might eventually make the Soviet nuclear arsenal useless.
That month, Reagan famously stepped up his anti-Soviet rhetoric. Speaking to the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, he urged the Christian group in considering nuclear freeze proposals not to "label both sides equally at fault, to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire, to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong, good and evil."
Meanwhile, NATO plans to deploy Pershing II nuclear missiles in West Germany were seen by the Soviet Union as shortening to a few minutes the warning they might have of a strike. From Moscow, the Pershing deployment created fears like those that shook Washington when U.S. spy planes discovered Soviet missiles in Cuba.
"The danger was in the Soviet leadership thinking, 'the Americans may attack, so we better attack first,' " says Oleg D. Kalugin, a former KGB chief of foreign counterintelligence, who lives outside Washington. While the KGB and military had institutional interests in exaggerating the risk of attack, Andropov's distrust of American leaders was profound, says Kalugin, who knew him well.
But American officials tended to interpret shrill protests from Andropov and his colleagues as empty propaganda. "The Reagan administration was committed to believing its own rhetoric - that SDI didn't threaten the Soviet Union and that the Pershings were not a first-strike weapon," Prados says.
Then came a series of potential sparks. On Sept. 1, 1983, a Soviet fighter shot down a South Korean airliner that had strayed into Soviet airspace, killing the 269 people aboard and prompting angry accusations from both sides.
Next, on Sept. 26, a Soviet satellite misinterpreted sunlight glinting off clouds above a U.S. intercontinental ballistic missile site in Montana as the launch of five ICBMs.
Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov, the duty officer overseeing the warning system, kept his cool, reasoning that a U.S. first strike would involve hundreds of missiles, not just five. Instead of sounding the alarm, Petrov checked ground radar and other data, and decided that the satellite's alert was false.
Petrov's health was broken by the stress of the incident and its aftermath, and he soon retired from the military. When his actions that day were revealed by a Russian magazine in 1998, reporters found him infirm and surviving on a tiny pension outside Moscow.
Petrov's unsung heroism did not end the danger. A major U.S.-NATO military exercise called Able Archer was planned for November 1983. With emotions still running high on both sides, some Soviet officials feared that the exercise might be a cover for the long-feared nuclear attack.
But by then, Gordievsky had begun to feed to skeptical contacts in British intelligence documents from Operation RYAN showing that Soviet leaders' war fears were genuine.
"There was incredulity at first. The British couldn't believe the Soviet leaders could think like this," recalls Gordievsky. "The Americans were even more disbelieving."
Nonetheless, in part because Gordievsky's warnings were being passed on by British intelligence, the United States scaled back Able Archer, which initially foresaw a role-playing part for Reagan. Tensions gradually eased, though the CIA's Fischer has found the war scare had a second phase in East Germany as late as 1985-1986. By then, Mikhail S. Gorbachev had come to power, quashed the first-strike fears and moved boldly to negotiate an end to the Cold War.
Gordievsky, 64, escaped Russia in 1985 but was sentenced to death in absentia for treason, a penalty never canceled by post-Soviet Russian governments. He says he considers Reagan's defense buildup "brilliant" because it persuaded the Soviet leadership that they could no longer compete and sped the end of the Cold War.
But the strategy was also extremely risky, he says.
"If the Soviet Union had overreacted, it could have gone very badly," he says, adding in a mild understatement: "If war had come, Soviet missiles would have destroyed Britain entirely, at least half of Germany and France and America would have lost maybe 30 percent of its cities and infrastructure."
"Meet Me Halfway":A track about love or about enlightment? An esoteric interpretation.
0 comments Posted by in.SIGHT at 01:03
I have been following the Black Eyed Peas since their first album "Behind The Front" (1998) when they were an underground hip-hop/funk group and I grew very fond of them. This changed slightly when they recruited Fergie and adopted a more commercial and pop-ish sound. Despite that they still manage to pull of 3-4 deep tracks on every album and still make it commercial which is virtually impossible in the mainstream today. "Meet Me Halfway" really struck me when I saw the video, which changed my mind about the meaning of the track - one that is much deeper than what the lyrics might initially suggest.
Fergie, the Human Soul
The video starts with Fergie lying down in a lush, green jungle. She is on the physical plane, on planet earth which is abundant with terrestrial life and life-giving humidity. She is the archetypal Eve in the Garden of Eden. Despite all the beauty surrounding her, Fergie is looking to the sky and yearning for “something more”, which is currently unattainable to her. She feels that there is something missing.
I can’t go any further than this
I want you so badly, it’s my biggest wish
I want you so badly, it’s my biggest wish
Fergie is singing to her divine nature, to her higher self which seems infinitely far from her, yet it can still hear her. She went as far as humanly possible in her spiritual quest and she is asking her spiritual self to make a move towards her. She is heard.
Apl.de.ap, the Divine Soul
Rapper apl.de.ap (yes, that’s his name) plays the role of Fergie’s higher consciousness, the missing piece needed to obtain spiritual enlightenment. He is dressed in garments reminiscent of eastern sages or mystics and is meditating. The fact that he is levitating, surrounded by an aura, rotating and multiplying himself further conveys this sense of ethereal, non-human presence. He is not a physical human, but Fergie’s spiritual counterpart. Apl.de.ap’s lyrics communicate that as much as Fergie wants to connect with her higher-self, the higher-self longs to reunite with Fergie as well. They were forming a single unit before she “fell” into material existence and they want to “become one” again.
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day yes, I’m really missin missin you
And all those things we use to use to use to do
Hey girl, what’s up, it used to used to be just me and you
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day, yes I’m really missin missin you
And all those things we use to use to use to do
Hey girl what’s up, yo what’s up, what’s up, what’s up
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day yes, I’m really missin missin you
And all those things we use to use to use to do
Hey girl, what’s up, it used to used to be just me and you
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day, yes I’m really missin missin you
And all those things we use to use to use to do
Hey girl what’s up, yo what’s up, what’s up, what’s up
Apl.de.ap’s character completes Fergie in every way. She is physical, he is spiritual; she is lives in terrestrial life, he is lives in nothingness; she is female, he is male. In alchemical terms, she is the Mercury and he is the Sulfur. This concept of “two souls” is all-important Kabbalistic teachings.
Apl.de.ap uses a Torah Pointer to consult his map. In this esoteric context it is used for Kabbalistic studies. Does the Kabbalah provide the road map to enlightenment?
Torah Pointer
Here’s an explanation of Kabbalistic philosophy using the Zohar’s (the most important work of Kabbalah) interpretation of the Genesis:
“The Zohar holds the concept of two Adams: the first a divine being who, stepping forth from the highest original darkness, created the second, or earthly, Adam in His own image.The higher, or celestial, man was the Causal sphere With its divine potencies and potentialities considered as a gigantic personality; its members, according to the Gnostics, being the basic elements of existence. This Adam may have been symbolized as facing both ways to signify that with one face it looked upon the proximate Cause of itself and with the other face looked upon the vast sea of Cosmos into which it was to be immersed. Philosophically, Adam may be regarded as representative of the full spiritual nature of man – androgynous and nor subject to decay. Of this fuller nature the mortal man has little comprehension. Just as spirit contains matter within itself and is both the source and ultimate of the state denominated matter, so Eve represents the lower, or mortal, portion that is taken out of, or has temporal existence in the greater and fuller spiritual creation.”
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings Of All Ages
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings Of All Ages
Will.I.Am, the Vehicle
Exploring the universe on the back of his elephant, Will.I.Am is the liaison between the spiritual and the terrestrial world. He could be called a “cosmic travel agent”. He is seeking the gateway that would allow Fergie and Apl.de.ap to unite again. This sense of travel is well reflected in his lyrics:
Girl, I travel round the world and even sail the seven seas
Across the universe I go to other galaxies
Just tell me where you want, just tell me where you wanna to meet
I navigate myself myself to take me where you be
Cause girl I want, I, I, I want you right now
I travel uptown (town) I travel downtown
I wanna to have you around (round) like every single day
I love you alway .. way
Across the universe I go to other galaxies
Just tell me where you want, just tell me where you wanna to meet
I navigate myself myself to take me where you be
Cause girl I want, I, I, I want you right now
I travel uptown (town) I travel downtown
I wanna to have you around (round) like every single day
I love you alway .. way
Notice on the elephant the symbol of a double-headed eagle, which is very similar to the symbol of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
Is Freemasonry the “gateway” to Kabbalistic enlightenment?
The Pine Cone Staff
Apl.de.ap gets up and starts his search for Fergie, his lost counterpart. He is the active principle searching, while Fergie is the passive principle, laying down on earth and waiting. Together they will become complete. In his walk through the cosmic desert, we can see that he is holding a very symbolic staff:
Pine cone staff
Pine cones have always been occultly associated with spiritual enlightenment. Whether we look at ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks or Christians, the pine cone has represented the mysterious link between the physical and the spiritual worlds, which can be found in the human brain. The pineal gland, also known as the third eye, is represented by the pine cone in occult symbolism. It is taught by Mystery schools to open the doors to spiritual perception once the seven Chakras are properly activated.

Pine Cone Staff of Osiris surrounded by the two serpents of the Kundalini. The staff represents the spine and the pine cone represents the pineal gland.
Giant pine cone at the Vatican
Manly P. Hall explains the importance of the pine cone in Freemasonry and ancient civilizations:
“Sufficient similarity exists between the Masonic CHiram and the Kundalini of Hindu mysticism to warrant the assumption that CHiram may be considered a symbol also of the Spirit Fire moving through the sixth ventricle of the spinal column. The exact science of human regeneration is the Lost Key of Masonry, for when the Spirit Fire is lifted up through the thirty-three degrees, or segments of the spinal column, and enters into the domed chamber of the human skull, it finally passes into the pituitary body (Isis), where it invokes Ra (the pineal gland) and demands the Sacred Name. Operative Masonry, in the fullest meaning of that term, signifies the process by which the Eye of Horus is opened. E. A. Wallis Budge has noted that in some of the papyri illustrating the entrance of the souls of the dead into the judgment hall of Osiris the deceased person has a pine cone attached to the crown of his head. The Greek mystics also carried a symbolic staff, the upper end being in the form of a pine cone, which was called the thyrsus of Bacchus. In the human brain there is a tiny gland called the pineal body, which is the sacred eye of the ancients, and corresponds to the third eye of the Cyclops. Little is known concerning the function of the pineal body, which Descartes suggested (more wisely than he knew) might be the abode of the spirit of man. As its name signifies, the pineal gland is the sacred pine cone in man – the eye single, which cannot be opened until CHiram (the Spirit Fire) is raised through the sacred seals which are called the Seven Churches in Asia.”
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
The Enlightenment
Taboo literally “sees the light”
Taboo stares in awe at the sun, the metaphorical representation of divinity. The process of enlightenment has started. He is the bridge “to the other side”.
Let’s walk the bridge, to the other side
Just you and I (just you and I)
I will fly, I’ll fly the skies, for you and I (for you and I)
I will try, until I die, for you and I, for you and I, for for you and I,
For for you and I, for for you and I, for you and I
Just you and I (just you and I)
I will fly, I’ll fly the skies, for you and I (for you and I)
I will try, until I die, for you and I, for you and I, for for you and I,
For for you and I, for for you and I, for you and I
The Opening of the Gateways
After searching, Will.I.Am opens the portal which will allow Fergie and Apl.de.ap, the two souls, to finally unite. All that is left to do is simply to walk through.
The higher-self enters a pyramid-shaped gateway, representing the spiritual world and the triune nature of divinity
The lower-self enters a cube-shaped gateway, representing the material plane and planet Earth
In Conclusion
The video to the Black Eyed Peas’ Meet Me Halfway features many symbolic elements of esoteric spirituality. Many schools of thought have been mentioned here, such as the Kaballah, Buddhism, Alchemy and Freemasonry. This might be confusing for readers who are not acquainted with those concepts but you only need to keep one thing in mind: all of these schools teach different paths leading the same goal, which is spiritual enlightenment. It is the “Inner-Christ” of the Gnostic Christians, the “Great Work” of Alchemy and the “Lost Key” of Freemasonry.
Labels: Articles, Food for thought., Music, Ratiocinations
Labels: A Moment In Time
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