Have you ever gazed at a star-filled nightsky?I'll presume everyone has.They never leave us stony,they instill in us feelings ranging from romantic tranquility to misteryous confusion.But most of you dont know that a very big percentage of the stars we see with our naked eye are inactive(dead) for billions of years and yet we still see their unstopable light making its way through the vast spaces of the universe.For me,this is the stars trail in history,it's immortal path through the cosmos.
Pending on this the only feeling I ever get when watching the night sky is insignificance,but in a good way.Are our lifes really so long that we can allow ourselfes to go with the flow.Or should we take example and leave our own trail of light to flow through history.It sounds idealistic but to me this is the purpose of life.And what life do we live?What illogical patern of related or unrelated events lead to this organized chaos,grounded on the loss of moral boundaries,that we call modern society?I grew up in the settings of ever groing freedom which unfortunately led people in the wrong way to a downworth spiral, erasing the need for morals and ideals in young minds.And yet,despite my tough time groing up,I somehow turned out an aware human being, constantly asking myself questions with no certain answers,and having the intrusive feeling of responsibillity for my generation,making me twisted and unfit to the morals and goals of the 21st century.
And in these new found goals and principles we gave the word normal a new,twisted meaning.Normal is now someone who asks few questions,who takes the given truth and embraces it.And by doing that most of the people have become,as I call them, "sleepwalkers".They are not specified to certain groups of age,occupation and interests.They are just people who left themselves to go with the flow,satisfied with mediocracy,suppressing their dreams,never to yearn for perfection,never to experience the envigorating chase for the truth.You see them everyday and everywhere.The man who stares blank in the bus window and operates a monotonous workplace day to day is a sleepwalker, but so is the cocky businessman driving his brand new cock reflection(be it a sportscar or a limusine).The young girls spending hours and hours shopping,observing people and focusing on evryones packaging are also sleepwalkers.And they make me sad.Why?Because with their numbers growing a whole nation might fall asleep.Ot has it already?The news are full of murder,homiside and rape reports but people don't really mind.Crisis is upon us, the governments legislate outrageously unconstitutional laws but my people seem to overlook this.So what measures are neccessary to wake the sleepwalkers up?How many more will embrace this way of living,before we realise that this is not IT.How many "scenes of the crime" with charkled figures do we have to witness?And how many teen funerals do we have to attend until we realise that something is wrong?That the only way for things to get better is for us to do something about it,to change our ways.I refuse to believe that we have become so cerebraly troubled as not to understand the simple fact that if we put our differences aside and work together we shall be far better of than in our current state of working towards the whipping of our own asses.Collective inteligence is what we lack.I might speak old testiments on a new voice but the difference is that when others speak I scream, when others walk towards change, I run.


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