"I WIsh"

I wish I could teach the world to see.
I wish I could have curage to back my own convictions,
to sentnce your actions and the hate they bring.
I wish I could understand what's the fish to the sea,
whats the wolf to the forest, what's the cost to be free.
Sitting on the stairs observing years worth of photographs,
people I loved and respected yet I didnt tell'em that.
I think of him, ithink of her,
and I come accross the memory of you, yes you!
I remmember you said "I trust you cuz its you"
well I dont trust you exactly beacuse its you!
Still I wish that you find your promissed land,
set a course for avalon and hope that many others tag along.
I dream of so many things, that to most sound absurd.
I wish the words written by my hand could change the world.
So I seek power,to be added to my verbs.
How can I get answers, when my questions aren't anyones concerns.
So tell me,
can a door exist withouth a wall?
Is it still a nightmare if there aint noone at all?
Can we rise up before we take our finall fall?
I wish that souls wouldnt sell so low.
I wish that words could heal us all.
Make us realise the lies and open up our eyes.
I wish the news be a pleasant surprise,
when I tune in to BBC.
So tell me,
How many lives does it take to make you see?
But yes, I Believe and I envy that state.
But no matter what, the soul shouldn't lay at rest.
So may your struggle make you great.
Never let it make you hate.
Know I wont stop till we free from them gates.


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