What Happened To The Soul?

I want to ask a question today.
What happened to the Soul?Did it go somwhere?Was it just a trend that dissapears and reapeaers in cycles?
I'm talking about that deep down inside Soul.You know.The one that makes you act right,talk and walk right,treat everyone else right.The Soul that seperates us from the animals, beacuse when you get down to it without the Soul we are but mere animals acting slightly more complicated.Where did the Sould that all the ancient civilisations placed in the centre of religions and believes go? Where is the Soul that budhists place in the centre of the personal cosmos?
Where is it now?I cant really tell you but I do know why it is not in the centre of our worldview anymore.And how can it be the centre of a materialistic and consumer driven society?You cant touch the soul,you cant see it so it has no place in between the "goals and ideals" of buy,consume and acquire.
But you CAN feel it, I feel it, and my soul cries bitter tears.So did people just stop feeling.Perhaps, perhaps not.For the soul is one for better direction,for improvement.I say people still feel, but they feel all the wrong feelings.Somehow in the twist of faith that came to be the 21st century to me it feels as if the thing we love the most is to hate and we hate to love.To reach ones hand out for help nowadays is at best someting to be done anonymus.Funny creatures you humans are.The foremost principle I lead my life and behaviour upon is "do not to others what you want them to not do to you" and "act not towards others in a way that you would not want them to act towards you" and yet through out most of y time on this pale blue dot we inhabit some of the people towards which I am most benevolent and kindhearted have dissapointed me bitterly.So why can my soul frive me towards a better existence, towards an attitude that I think is respectfull,right and would make people happy and yet I do not deserve the same?
Believe me, this question has revolved in my mind for quite a while and the only answer that I find is simply that the Soul in people is slowly fading away.In some has never been developed, suffacated in early childhood and forced to bend before new found idols and their believes of right and wrong.
With most of the people the Soul is covered with filth and disease, slowly suffacating with every shallow act we take, with every shopping spree we undertake, with everyone in need we pass by.I do believe that every human being starts out pure and bares a clean Soul.One that can make him a wordy inhabitant of this planet that is now crying its last tears and manifesting the last opportunities it give us for redemption.And the Soul is the tool to save our planet, to save ourselves from living in a world marked by hate and fake idols.
We have reached the pinacle of so many areas and we have peaked our physical abilites.I believe it is time for the next step in evolution.And is it not a turn towards the spiritual, the evolution of the soul.Exactly that is the next step in evolution, and it is sad to say that for the past 20 years what we are experienceing is but the opposite.Devolution - mindless acts leading to mindles lives, with no purpose other rhan to consume and act selfishly in the desperate pursuite of a delusional happyness we all seek so badly.Would you not be happy to know that you brought that smile upon the face of your mother, that you helped your neighbour feel better about himself, that you opened the eyes of someone?For this however a Soul is needed, as it will insite you to act benevolently and without predjudice and alterior motives.
But the Soul is now slowly fading away as we steadily march on our selfdistructive path.You can be the one to start the spark that will butn down the forest of hate.You can spread happyness.Are we really so blind as to not realise that the only way to move forward and advance is to act together as one?Are we so stupid as to not see that together we can utilise natures recources and still save it,that only together we can put an end to poverty and inequality?Or have we no Soul?
And if my words are not an incentive enough for you to atleast take 10 minutes for your daily grind and try to reach down to your soul, take into consideration the words sang by a great man not so long ago.A pure soul that did more than many others to better this world.A man who is now no more.

"There's A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow"

Let us heal the world TOGETHER.


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