What Is The Purpose Of Life?

So many have asked this question,throughout human history. Even more have tried to answer it. Some applauded,some repuded,some laughed at. I have my own oppinion on this elusive topic,and I believe that,if not universaly then at least personaly, I found an answer.It might be the answer,but I believe it to be true.Through my experience and observations I came to the conclusion that the purpose of life comes down to one thing and one thing only. One goal, one aspiration no matter how different and contradictory the paths to it might be.

In my own oppinion the purpose of life is the individual pursuit of happiness. You might say that I am generalising but if you really look for a motive behind the lives of most people it slowly emerges. No matter what life you lead or what your aspirations are. And aspirations,wishes,dreams are all things that we desire,things we value and all of those,when accomplished make us happy.Whether out happiness depends on individual success,on love and family,on the wellbeing of others we all try to reach it. Unfortunately the reality of today is that most of us don't. Even for the corrupt and evil, that goal stands,as the deeds they do,no matter how low they might be still make them happy when acomplished.The mind is a hard think to understand, the sick mind is even harder. But happiness is the basic drive for all of us. No one wants to be lonely,no one wants to sad and depressed.

This is my view on the matter.Whether you find logic in it or not is up to you.This is my truth,that I have reached bymyself,and I encourage you to do the same.Life is too precious and beatifull in it's complexity to be waisted in idle existence.

(c) Outspoken Poet


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