
Something has been bothering me lately.Call it an idea,if you wish.It is about humans and their limits.Most people have no idea how restricted we are in our fragile bodies.On the contrary,some humans think that they are the peack of evolution,and epiphany of perfection.Wrong.We are fragile,restricted,so,so limited.
Simple quantum physics aided and supplemented by sub-atomic chemistry has long proven that at a sub-atomic level we are 99% empty space.In the appropriate context you might say that we dont even exist.The works of Nicola Tesla has shown that when you get down to the base elements that comprise an atom,the latter turns out to be a simple set of vibrations.And in a set of experiments described in a 1923 tractate he claimed to have succesfully altered those vibrations and thus altered the whole physical structure and qualities of the atom.And arent we all a complex whole of atoms?Atoms bound together and yet creating a whole with so much empty,wasted space in between,shut in a narrow diapason of possibilities.
Our eyes,the instrument of calibration and perception we trust most delude us at the very first step of processing.The spectrum of collors and visual(light)wave lenghts we have the ability to detect and process is but a mere fraction of the entire spectrum of light and the possible refliections,bends and degrees of absorbtion and reflection it manifests through its unstopable journey through space,time and matter.Our years,the bastion of intellectual interaction,the receptor of thoughts that have taken the form of audiowaves.They(our ears) fool us as well.What we can hear should be positioned in a 20 to 20,000 Hz gap, which on the scale of all possible forms that a soundwave can accept is a mere fraction.Who knows what phenomena we miss out on because of the limits imposed on us by the fragile wrapper we inhabit.Our skin is senseless to anything under certain weight,we lack aids such as the antenas on ants,the echolocators of bats or the sharp sight and reflexes of eagles.
And as if this is not enough we are severely and to the highest degree we are imared by our brain-the core of our power,the master computer astern of our might.At best we use only 12% of our cerebral capacity and this during sleep.Awake we use only 8-10%.Funny isn't it.Unconcious we use more than we do in our concious state.A hint maybe?But non the less those 12% are a clear sign of our low state of evolution and mockingly little to satisfy our claims of sublimity.And it is mybe there that we should commence the quest for improvement.
On a larger scale, we as humans are limited in the confines of an oxygen rich areal and are to momentarily die if we leave this pale blue dot that we serve a sentence at.But exactly here we have shown a spark of our potential,braking those change and locating ourselves on the verge of facile space travel as we speak,though we steel need ecternal aid for those purposes.
Think about the examples listed above.I know,at first, it may seem a bit pointless to embark on such a cerebral journey as it would not quickly leave to any physicaly manifested results, but Hey, the soul needs an orgasm too every once in a while.Don't you agree?


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