
I don't remember you,you faid away somehow.
I still feel touching you,so why is it that now,
whatever I do,whatever I say,I know deep down inside.
I'll forever be lonely.
But what could I do,what could I have said.
Now that you shadow's erased,I can't just stay.
I will never be anything other than lonely.

You don't remember me,I've faded from your mind.
I couldn't be all that wonder for what is loosing cover.
Can I feel what I felt,but not harm what I find?
After you,I'll forever be lonely and I
wonder what I could have made,
wonder where my image fades.
No need for another though,I'm lonely
Without you,I'm lonely,without you.
Ain't no day like the one before,I'm burning,without you,
I'm burning,efervescent,without you.


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