Time to wake up, It's the begining of your game.
The synthesis of good and evil and what lies inbetween.
Blazing on the surface,superficial deep ends.
People can be weird only if your weird with them.
Metamorphing words as a depiction of a man.
The goals of a free soul,animated in a frame.
I would like to know what is the ocean for a whale.
I dream to comprehend nature's everlasting plan.
Tell me,can a door exist without a wall put by man?
Can a life be worthy if you never make a change?
For the alternative perception,a transition to power,
and it;s prominent affection,
represent nothing more,than escalation of descend.
A silent war is raging on,for the loyalty of men.
Narrower the view becomes,the bigger is the plasma screen.
Individual perception leads to personal reactions,
So my vessel floats.
As I set a course for Avalon,
and challenge many more to tag along.
Labels: Poetry
In my own oppinion the purpose of life is the individual pursuit of happiness. You might say that I am generalising but if you really look for a motive behind the lives of most people it slowly emerges. No matter what life you lead or what your aspirations are. And aspirations,wishes,dreams are all things that we desire,things we value and all of those,when accomplished make us happy.Whether out happiness depends on individual success,on love and family,on the wellbeing of others we all try to reach it. Unfortunately the reality of today is that most of us don't. Even for the corrupt and evil, that goal stands,as the deeds they do,no matter how low they might be still make them happy when acomplished.The mind is a hard think to understand, the sick mind is even harder. But happiness is the basic drive for all of us. No one wants to be lonely,no one wants to sad and depressed.
This is my view on the matter.Whether you find logic in it or not is up to you.This is my truth,that I have reached bymyself,and I encourage you to do the same.Life is too precious and beatifull in it's complexity to be waisted in idle existence.
Labels: Ratiocinations
Transcript follows.
Oct 21, 1942
My Dear Little Girl,
Last night was a beautiful moonlit night. Every star that studded the sky was sparkling like a jewel. The air was crisp, but faintly perfumed, with all the fragrances only a lovely spring night can devise. Today it is raining hard, the wind is fierce and cold. Yes! It is miserable, something you want to pass by quickly, so that the night will again be beautiful.
Life too, Anne, is like the weather. Some days are so lovely, the happenings of those days so enchanting, you never can forget them. Some are so unhappy, you wish they never happened but, alas, they must for your life, your Mother’s, mine, everyone’s is so mixed up with joy and sadness that you never have one or the other for long. One replaces the other with a speed that is amazing.
Thus it happened just two years ago. Your Mother knew and I knew that you were going to be born. Those days were anxious ones, Anne. As the days went by your Mother used to smile at me with those lovely brown eyes. Eyes that shone with courage and resolve. If she had anxiety in her mind she never showed it but it must have been there. In my heart and mind torments raged that no one will ever know. But through all the doubts all the worries and all the long, anxious hours an end came, bringing with it, you.
From that hour, it was early in the morning, the lives of two people were filled with inexplicable happiness. When I called to see your Mother that day I shall never forget the beauty, the happiness that shone up at me from her precious little face. Neither will I forget the pride and the joy that surged right through me when the nurse brought you along and I held you in my arms.
Soon we took you home. The months sped by, and you gradually took a hold in our hearts. You laughed so much at such silly things we did to claim your attention. We showed you off to so many people. Your eyes, so big and questioning never failed to win admiration. Your curly hair was indeed a special joy.
And as each month sped by you grew. First you sat up, then stood up, then crawled, then walked. As each stage passed funny little incidents occurred. Perhaps no one ever noticed them or remembered them. But your Mother and I did. Every night, when I came home from work, there were stories of your conduct through the day to be told. Some days you were good and others you were naughty. Like, for instance, the day when a little mischievous spirit seized onto you and strips of wall paper came from the wall, Other thoughts came crowding into my mind, memories of days gone by when we laughed at you, scolded you, and, some serious times when we worried over you.
The first year of your life passed away, quickly perhaps, but you grew so quickly every day was an adventure not only for yourself but for us. You had a party for your first birthday, and although you sat up like Jacky you probably will never remember it. But that day you got “Goog’ga” for a present. Poor “Goog-ga”. As each week passed he got dirtier and more worn. And the dirtier he got the more you loved him. Then at Xmas,”Teddy” came along. Dear old Teddy. So plump and with such a frizzy coat. In a few months he was still plump but his hair was not so frizzy. Then, you’d never go to sleep unless Teddy and “Goog-ga” were tucked in with you. You’ll never know how angelic, how like a cherub you looked, when after your bath you were popped into bed with your little playmates. Indeed God is good. How many times have your Mother and I crept in to see you sleeping. And how many times have I wiped away tears, gentle little tears of happiness from her eyes when we came out.
All those days were so beautiful, like the night I sat and watched yesterday evening. But soon came the rain. Your lovely country, so free and so proud, was fighting for its life. Those indeed were dark days. I had to leave Mother and you and become a soldier. Thousands of other Daddies went too, because we had to fight so that all the Mothers and little boys and girls could live happily. That was many months ago. I do not know how long it will be before we will be home again together. But rain my little darling does not last for ever.
Through the blackest clouds a little piece of blue appears. The wind blows, and soon the clouds go. So too will peace come and then we can be all happy again.
Because I’m a soldier now Anne I cannot attend your birthday this year. You are going to have a party and I wont be there. But while that party is on I’ll be thinking of you and your Mother. Thinking of the day you came along, and of the days that have gone by since. You are lovely now, like your Mother. Some day, when you grow up, some man is going to be lost in your loveliness, like I was when I fell in love with your Mother. But no matter. We cannot have you forever. While we do we’ll teach you all the lovely things of life, and there are so many beautiful things in life. There are, too, bad things and, these also we will tell you about so that you’ll know how to pass them by.
Maybe it will be years before you will be able to read this letter but when you can you’ll know at least how much we love you and how much you mean to us.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon and to seeing those big brown eyes of yours laugh back at me. Until then my little girl.
Goodbye and God bless you on your birthday.
From your adoring
Labels: Life.
You love to hate and you hate to love.
You only feel when you are involved.
You're so consumed with how much you get.
You fill your heart with pain and regret.
You're fading,when he keeps on taking.
You believe that we are by no mark the same.
You tie with others on the basis of hate.
You fill your pockets but you empty your soul.
You bow to idols that no not what is love.
You're fading,when he keeps on taking.
I fade with you,even though I can see
that which you bypass,that you hold the key.
We're hopeless,until our hearts are frozen.
We're sightless,and vision is priceless.
You're fadin,when he keeps on taking.
Labels: Poetry
The British Coat Of Arms.Symbolistic Analysis In Accordance To Joan's Revelation.
0 comments Posted by in.SIGHT at 15:32Revelation 13
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him power, and his seat, and great authority…
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads,
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six….
The British College of Heraldry, using a system of guidelines over 500 years old, designed the Royal Coat of Arms.Here I present an analysis that finds links to the beast(antichrist) described in Joan's Revelation.Symbols can be analysed in numerous way but for the british coat of arms it is known that it has been designed with strict biblical symbolism.And as it has never been said where the symbols draw pictographical sense from a few more versions should be outlayed besides the commonly accepted one,perscribing the symbols to the old testimony and it's symbolism.
The symbols on the British’s Coat of Arms reveal written Hebrew origin. According to the bible the harp symbolises the Hebrew king david. The biblical roaring lion with the unicorn holding up a shield symbolise the nation of Israel. A model [?jun ending dwa?] means guarding my right indicating the divine right of the british monarch to the eternal throne. Now what makes this really interesting is that the full symbol contains all the biblic revelation and symbolism of the anti-christ himself.I took the time to make a pictogramm,that you can see below this text.And in the spirit of look the find,comprae them to the entity desribed in the above qutoted revelation.I ask you to do that,so as to not have this information handed to you in a one-way channel.In other words I want you to think and analise for yourself.
(c) Outspoken Poet
Labels: Articles, Ratiocinations
Wouldn't it be foolish to pretend that the world is fine?
That everyone is living good and noone sufers,
that free speach is appritiated,that the government ain't lying.
Wouldn't it be foolish not to notice what is going,
our homeland is being sold while we chase ephimeral happyness abroad.
And what is left is a country of the old,
thrown away and neglected,once a nations memory and gold.
And the young fade away in oblivion of conscience,
What was once a steady pillar,now is outdated morals.
Tell me wouldn't it be foolish to let yourself fade away,
in a meaningless existence,until your life turns grey.
Wouldn't it be foolish not rise above the filth,
not ever make a change.
Maybe your better standing still!
Wouldn't It be foolish (to) live the life of a fool?
Wouldn't it be foolish by the rules of the cool?
Tell me wouldn't it,tell me wouldn't it be?
Wouldn't it be foolish going through as a slave?
Wouldn't it be foolish not to think of other slaves?
Tell me wouldn't it,tell me wouldn't it be?
Wouldn't it be foolish still to keep my mouth shut,
when I cant hear my own thoughts from the screams.Am I nuts?
To let this shit slide for so many years,so many times.
But now I'm strapped with my own mind,rejecting lies.
Wouldn't it be foolish to watch our world spin out of control,
as we dig our on graves where we burry our souls.
Anothers' pain fades away,just as easy as our days,
our sins reinforce,the last thng that we would slay.
Wouldn't it be foolish not to act or speak,like you do?
Wouldn't it be even foolish (to) spread lies like you do?
Just a short glimpse into time,for what is not there
and for what will never be mine-
a mind at ease,soul at peace,ethernal shine.
Livin in this world is mad wrong.
From a boy who can't smile,comes his gift,a sad song.
Wouldn't It be foolish (to) live the life of a fool?
Wouldn't it be foolish by the rules of the cool?
Tell me wouldn't it,tell me wouldn't it be?
Wouldn't it be foolish going through as a slave?
Wouldn't it be foolish not to think of other slaves?
Tell me wouldn't it,tell me wouldn't it be?
Wouldn't it make sence to be the one who makes a mend?
Labels: Poetry
Court authorization necessary to terminate Internet access from 2011.Need to be online or need to control?
0 comments Posted by in.SIGHT at 11:04"This was decied on by European institutions in a midnight compromise for a reform of the telecom market. Brussels is triggered when France passed a law providing for the prohibition of Internet services for consumers, apprehended with illegally download content - like music and movies from the network.
Magistrate will now have to decide whether action against Internet pirates are necessary and whether the termination of the relationship is "appropriate and proportionate". According to the European institutions access to the Internet is part of human rights and to stop so it should be provided where appropriate. "
24chasa 05 November
Don't be quick to cheer.As pleasing as this law may seem to most of us,who now feel that existence without the web is impossible,there is another side to it.And this is control.The internet provides the easiest way for governments to spy on their people.So what if you do some piracy,it's still outweight by the benefits of knowing your every step.Thats why the law passed in France was vetoed within 24h - a precedent for the EU legal system.But what you dont know is that even if you want to terminate your connection,you would still have to go to court for it.Yes,Big brother is slowly but surely tightening the rope around our necks.
And since when is internet access a part of human rights?I don't recollect there being a convention recently.The point is that actions like these should serve us,the people, as a red light to hold our governments accountable.After all we live in democracy - a rule of the selected by the people and for the people.In the words of George Washington:
"It's the peoples responcibility to hold their governments accountable for everything they feel is in breach with their constitional right"
Democray is only yours if you can keep it,so open up your eyes and realise those lies!
Labels: News, Ratiocinations, The Truth
Today I stroll down memory lane.
Across the path of my mistakes,
and under the arch of my triumphs,
where my pile of dissapointments lays.
It's a personal voyage that I've taken many times.
And every time at the end of the line
I shun and close my eyes.
They expand wide shut,
as I fall back into my state.
An abnormal normality.
Dreaming a reality,
whilst dreaming in reality.
Labels: Poetry
I love formula one.You can call me a real fan.As a matter of fact I have watched every race since Suzuka in Oct 1998.Even if I couldn't watch the whole race I watched at least a couple of laps.It's really something that only those alike can understand.
So today was the last race of the 2009 season at the brand new Yas Marina track in Abu Dhabi,a unique track and the first race that would start at sunset and finish at night under artificial light,the more reason that I had to watch the race even after a heavy Haloween last night.So i packed my bag for a study stint at the library after the race and I left my apartment around 12:30(I don't have a TV at the moment).I had decided to watch the race at bar in my University Union.Upon my arrival I was stopped by the porter/security guard.A middle aged,slightly overweight man with a goate.He asked me for my student or union member card.I couldn't really tell wether he is being unfriendly or just nonchalant.But anyways I handed both cards to him nad after a quick glance I had clearance to enter the premises.
Little did I know that there is a football game at the same time and the F1 race will have to submerge to popular demand.Frustrated with the idea of having to quickly find another venue whilst walking in the rain I made my way out.At the doors was the porter who surprised at my quick departure asked me whats up.So I briefly described the situation and to my surprise he said "well look no further mate.You are a member,I'll find ya a TV room".Initially I tried to turn the offer down,humble as I am,but the man was insisting.By the vibrations of his voice and speech I could tell he ment well,so I just followed.Two minutes later and 3 floors up he unlocked a small confrence room with couches and a big size flat screen tv and gave me the proof tested "make your self comfortable lad.Of course you gonna watch the formula one race".And indeed I did,but what I really want to express is my surprise.A gesture not so big,but a differance all so great.It is so wonderfull but all so rare to experience spontanious kindness today that I just had to write it down.If not for anything else at least for the fact that it enforced my hope for our society.And I believe that we all have it in us to be a bit more altruistic.We just need to realise the joy we can draw from the joy we bring to others.
So PLEASE,open up your eyes.
Labels: Ratiocinations