"This was decied on by European institutions in a midnight compromise for a reform of the telecom market. Brussels is triggered when France passed a law providing for the prohibition of Internet services for consumers, apprehended with illegally download content - like music and movies from the network.

Magistrate will now have to decide whether action against Internet pirates are necessary and whether the termination of the relationship is "appropriate and proportionate". According to the European institutions access to the Internet is part of human rights and to stop so it should be provided where appropriate. "

24chasa 05 November

Don't be quick to cheer.As pleasing as this law may seem to most of us,who now feel that existence without the web is impossible,there is another side to it.And this is control.The internet provides the easiest way for governments to spy on their people.So what if you do some piracy,it's still outweight by the benefits of knowing your every step.Thats why the law passed in France was vetoed within 24h - a precedent for the EU legal system.But what you dont know is that even if you want to terminate your connection,you would still have to go to court for it.Yes,Big brother is slowly but surely tightening the rope around our necks.

And since when is internet access a part of human rights?I don't recollect there being a convention recently.The point is that actions like these should serve us,the people, as a red light to hold our governments accountable.After all we live in democracy - a rule of the selected by the people and for the people.In the words of George Washington:

"It's the peoples responcibility to hold their governments accountable for everything they feel is in breach with their constitional right"

Democray is only yours if you can keep it,so open up your eyes and realise those lies!

(c) Outspoken Poet


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