

24 past since the last verse cast,
and here I am again, with the pen in my hand.
Woke up this morning with the sun in my eyes.
Symbolic or not, I’m glad it still shines.
And as a solution, my new resolution
comes for diffusion of lingering confusion.
Last year I tried and I worked so hard
Twenty, double one is just about to start,
and I’m gonna make sure it all flows from my heart.
Cherish my brother and speak a little smarter
all with a thought of the ones going under.

Because your reality would never be mine.
Still I must admit it’s kinda hard to define:
one blood, one life, one tribe, one people.
Yet some of us don't think that we equal.
And when one more dies, then its one too many.
In third world countries where they kill so many.
Souls are getting lost, there aint a second to waste,
when no one know what we fighting for in the first place.
Another day, another corpse,
all but the cost of an innocence lost!


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