First Things First

As it is written above, first things first. I want to wish a happy New Year to all the people of the world. Let 2010 be an improvement for all, and bring a bit more peace to the world. To those who are struggling, no matter the reason, remember this one thing. Don't let your troubles make you hate, use you struggle to make you great. Sometimes it takes the worst of situations to draw out the best of what one can be. So no matter what, Keep Your Head Up and do what you got to do.

To the more fortunate, who enjoy a happy and successful life, I wish the same things. But never forget what you have and the people who make it possible. Be thankfull and persevere in order to maintain and better your situation.

The world is a reflection of it's masters and they are a reflection of their own demeanour to what lies beneath their feet. We are all energy and thus we are all connected. So let's find a way through 2010 that anchors our conducts on harmony and understanding. This is our land and only we can make it better.

(c) Outspoken Poet


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