
"We're Hiring Stoyan Stoyanov, spoke yesterday Milen Keremedchiev.

Former vice-minister who now manages the Bulgarian Posts, was impressed by the story of the struggling cripple, who asked "24 hours" for help.

"I want to help. The company is socially oriented.He could become a security guard at the central office or supply centers of the company.We hire a lot of people with dissabilities/" said Keremedchiev.

Today "24 hours" will introduce Stoyan to hi future employer.

"I am touched, I can not believe it - Stoyan said through tears. - It seems that until the media intervenes, nothing can be changed in this country." "

O.P.:So after all humanity prevails. Some might say that this is a publicity stunt by authorities or that Mr.Stoyanov's case is one in one thousand but whatever they might say this is a happy ending. Even if only for one man. But thats the way to tackle the problems of modern society - one thing at a time, one step per day. I'm really happy for Mr.Stoyanov and I want to express my admiration for the people at the "24hours" newspaper.


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